
It would be appreciated if users make additional contributions to this section.
If you use an application which is not included here, create a new page and write something about it.
If you have additional information about one which is here, add it.

An Appliance is a special kind of application. Typical examples are webservers, fileservers, etc.
Machines running appliances are very rarely turned off, if at all.
If there is any user interaction with an appliance, it is usually from a different machine than the one running the appliance.
Please add information about Appliances on a different page.


App PageApp Description
bcryptFile encryption
emelfmFile manager
espeakText to Speach
flwmDefault Windows Manager
id3v2Add tags to mp3 files
imagemagickImage manipulation
mplayer-nodepsMedia player
mp3wrapJoin mp3 files
ossmixSound mixer
QemuA full/cpu emulator
wgetDownload Files
xmmsMedia Player