Table of Contents
Copy and Paste with the Mouse
Three Button Mouse
Highlight the text to be copied, go to where you want to past it, and click the middle mouse button.
Two Button Mouse
Highlight the text to be copied, go to where you want to paste it, and click both mouse buttons at the same time.
Version 3.6 and earlier - Two Button Mouse
In version 3.6 and earlier versions, clicking both mouse buttons will not work, until it is set up.
Go to the Control Panel, then Xvesa. After selecting the screen resolution, select two button mouse. Restart the computer for this to take effect.
Using Commands
To set up for a 2 button mouse, open the terminal and type
sed -i 's/-shadow -mouse/-shadow -2button -mouse/' ~/.xsession
Restart the computer for this to take effect.
To change it back to a 3 button mouse, use
sed -i 's/-shadow -2button -mouse/-shadow -mouse/' ~/.xsession
If you have Xorg
If Xorg is loaded, Xvesa setup will not run.
So it may be easiest to use the commands above.
You may also, move Xorg to another directory, restart the computer, run Xvesa setup, put Xorg back, and restart the computer again.
Another option is to start Tinycore with the boot options “base norestore,” and run Xvesa setup. If you don't have persistent home, you need to ensure /home/tc/.xsession is saved. You may need to, for example, save .xsession to sda1, then after restarting the computer normally, copy and paste it to /home/tc. Then backup and restart the computer again for this to take effect.