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wiki:creating_custom_command_icons_in_wbar [2011/05/15 03:19] – created jurwiki:creating_custom_command_icons_in_wbar [2011/05/15 03:28] (current) jur
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-====How to add a folder icon to wbar====+=====How to add a folder icon to wbar=====
 Sometimes you might want to open a specific folder on your PC. Such as with Dropbox - just one click and you want your Dropbox folder to be opened. Sometimes you might want to open a specific folder on your PC. Such as with Dropbox - just one click and you want your Dropbox folder to be opened.
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 The newly-created wbar icon will also be listed in OnDemand in AppsAudit, and you can blow it away by simply clicking on it. The newly-created wbar icon will also be listed in OnDemand in AppsAudit, and you can blow it away by simply clicking on it.
 +See also [[http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=6762.0|http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=6762.0]]
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