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dcore:sce-import_command [2019/01/27 06:16] jls_legalizedcore:sce-import_command [2019/01/27 06:18] (current) – added grep and gawk notes jls_legalize
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 A reliable wired or wireless internet connection is required to import applicable Debian/Ubuntu and dCore repository files and create SCEs. The command is feature rich, as demonstrated in the usage information below. A reliable wired or wireless internet connection is required to import applicable Debian/Ubuntu and dCore repository files and create SCEs. The command is feature rich, as demonstrated in the usage information below.
-The coomand works faster if grep and gawk packages are installed+The command works faster if grep and gawk packages are installed
 Usage options from the 'sce-import --help' command: Usage options from the 'sce-import --help' command:
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