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Tiny Core Passwords

If you want to prevent other people from logging into your computer, you can add passwords to Tiny Core.

If you are using the Extlinux bootloader, another option it to add passwords to Extlinux. For more information, see Extlinux Passwords.

Add Passwords to Tiny Core

To add a password for user tc, open the terminal and type


To add a password for root, type

sudo passwd

Save Passwords using Backup

If you use Backup, to save passwords, add


to /opt/.filetool.lst

Backup when shutting down the computer.

Save Passwords using Persistent opt

If you use persistent opt, here is a way to save passwords.

Copy shadow to /opt. Open the terminal and type

sudo cp /etc/shadow /opt/shadow

Add the following to /opt/

sudo mv /etc/shadow /etc/shadow_old
sudo cp /opt/shadow /etc/shadow

Use Password to Log In

To be prompted for Username and Password when logging in, add the bootcode


to the bootloader.

Don't Log In as Root

Log in as tc, not as root.

If you want to perform root tasks, use sudo before commands.

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