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Remove Applications from the Menu and Wbar
Most ordinary users have no need to remove applications or system tools from the menu or wbar. However, there may be some situations where this is desired. For example, to prevent access to certain applications when setting up a kiosk or when children use the computer.
If you install additional apps, or remove apps, or make changes to On Boot or On Demand, you may need to set up the menu again.
Remove Applications from the Menu
The menu is in /home/tc/.wmx
Copy .wmx to another directory. For example, lets use /home/tc/.mymenu
So you have a copy of the menu in /home/tc/.mymenu/.wmx
In /home/tc/.mymenu/.wmx, remove applications and system tools, and modify the menu as desired.
Add the following to /opt/
mv /home/tc/.wmx /home/tc/.wmx_old cp -r /home/tc/.mymenu/.wmx /home/tc/.wmx
When you start the computer, you will have the menu as you set it up in /home/tc/.mymenu/.wmx.
Remove Applications from Wbar
To prevent access to certain applications and system tools, you also need to remove them from the wbar. You can do this by clicking Control Panel, then Wbar Conf. To prevent them being put back, also remove the Control Panel.
Perform Administrative Tasks
If you prevent access to certain applications, you will not be able to use them to perform administrative tasks.
To perform administrative tasks, run Tiny Core from a USB drive or CD. Put hashes in front of the lines in /opt/, like this.
# mv /home/tc/.wmx /home/tc/.wmx_old # cp -r /home/tc/.mymenu/.wmx /home/tc/.wmx
Delete the details of applications you want to use from /tce/xwbar.lst.
Restart the computer for this to take effect.
After performing administrative tasks, set it up how it was again.
Alternate Method: Remaster
Another option is to make a remaster with changes to the menu.
This may make performing administrative tasks more difficult.