Table of Contents
--- //[[|sm8ps]] 2015/05/22 16:19//
- Manipulating <list> (extending/…)
- adapt '/tce/sce/<list>.sce.lst'
- issue
sce-import <list>
- Changing dependencies
- adapt '/tce/sce/<app/list>.sce.dep'
- Infrastructure within system
- /tce/sce/<app>…
- /tce/sce/<list>…
- /usr/local/sce/…
- debinx.*-files
- ubuntu_trusty_main_i386_Packages
- /tce/import/debs
- sce-update
--- //[[|sm8ps]] 2015/05/23 02:27//
- sce-import
- will stop treating a list after the first unavailable package
- will re-use any existing list under '/tce/sce/'
- shorten the name if need to import single package instead of list (e.g. “als” instead of “alsa”)