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dCore sce-pkgcheck Command

The sce-pkgcheck command is not available in a default install and must be installed seperately from the dCore repository using sce-import sce-pkgcheck. It is primarily used to ensure there are no non-existent packages in a list file (see sce-import -l LISTFILE help) when bulk installing a list of packages. This is useful to ensure the list file does not contain typographic errors, the package exists, whether it comes from the main, security, extra, or prebuilt repositories or is part of a meta package in the dCore dependency list file on the server.

Be aware the dependency list files used on the server to add needed dependencies also has entries that may not exist in the particular dCore variant being run. For example, if a package in Debian Wheezy based dCore needs libgcc-4.7 and an Ubuntu Trusty based dCore needs libgcc-4.8 then both are added to the dep list. Even though one does not exist does not, therefore, indicate the package will fail. This same logic is used when processing the list (*.lst) files.

Usage options from the 'sce-pkgcheck –help' command:

sce-pkgcheck leafpad     will update the DEBINX files, check if leafpad is a package and display the repo.
sce-pkgcheck -p leafpad  will not update DEBINX, check if leafpad is a package and display the repo.
sce-pkgcheck -q leafpad  will not update DEBINX, check if leafpad is a package and display the repo.
sce-pkgcheck -l leafpad  will check the specified file list.
sce-pkgcheck -a          will check all your .lst files in your SCE directory.

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