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dCore sce-deb2sce Command

Occasionally a user may wish to import a single package ('*.deb' file) from outside the standard Debian or Ubuntu repository. This can be accomplished with the sce-deb2sce command. It's a small script not part of a standard dCore installation. To obtain, simply download it from the dCore repository and load it for use:

sce-import -o sce-deb2sce
sce-load sce-deb2sce


sudo sce-deb2sce <DEB-file>

Similar to running sce-import, an SCE is created, but it remains in the current working directory.

Since all SCEs now require a proper md5sum file to load, this should be created:

md5sum my_new.sce > my_new.sce.md5.txt

The new SCE can then be loaded for use by running:

sce-load /path/to/file/my_new.sce

Or move 'my_new.sce' and 'my_new.sce.md5.txt' to /tce/sce/ so it's recognized by sce-load.

sce-load             # Load my_new.sce from menu
sce-load my_new.sce  # Direct loading method

Note '*.deb' file names usually contain the version number, which may be helpful to keep, even though a more generic extension name may be desired. This can be achieved, for example, by moving the newly created version number SCE file (eg. my_new_2.5.3-3_i386.sce) to /tce/import/debs/ with a generic name symbolic link in /tce/sce (eg. my_new.sce).

Notice, the script may require tune-up, for anyone willing to submit a patch:

  • The command has no –help information.
  • An md5sum file should be auto-generated.
  • Query whether sudo should be needed to run script.
  • Resulting *.sce is owned by root:root, not the usual $USER:staff.
  • Nice if script requested permission to copy SCE to /tce/sce.
  • During testing a working SCE was not created (suckless-tools_40-1_i386.deb).

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