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wiki:wallpaper_desktop_background [2011/04/29 18:38] – created jurwiki:wallpaper_desktop_background [2011/05/23 13:39] (current) – [Names with Spaces or Unusual Characters] Guy
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 That's all - if persistence is already up and running for you, the wallpaper will be there next time.  That's all - if persistence is already up and running for you, the wallpaper will be there next time. 
 +==== Names with Spaces or Unusual Characters ====
 +You cannot load an image with a space in it's name, or certain other characters, such as brackets. If an image file has a space, brackets, or other unusual characters, rename it, excluding these.
 +==== If you use Backup ====
 Bear in mind that images are often very large files, and keeping many image files in /opt/backgrounds will blow out the backup time unnecessarily. Since these are static files, you can also place your image file somewhere else such as in /tce and create a symlink to it in opt/backgrounds. Bear in mind that images are often very large files, and keeping many image files in /opt/backgrounds will blow out the backup time unnecessarily. Since these are static files, you can also place your image file somewhere else such as in /tce and create a symlink to it in opt/backgrounds.
-For a hard drive installation, it is better to use permanent directoriew for ~HOME and /opt, avoiding backing up.+For a hard drive installation, it is better to [[wiki:persistence_for_dummies#getting_tinycore_to_save_your_documents_and_settings|use permanent directories]] for ~HOME and /opt, avoiding backing up.
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