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wiki:waitusb [2013/05/13 22:19] – [Basic Form] added version information lvernswiki:waitusb [2013/05/13 22:23] (current) – [LABEL Version] changed info about the location of the mtools config file lverns
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    mlabel -i /dev/X ::mylabel    mlabel -i /dev/X ::mylabel
 Where X is the name of the drive (e.g. sdb1) and where mylabel is the label you want to give your device (e.g. "shared_partition"). Where X is the name of the drive (e.g. sdb1) and where mylabel is the label you want to give your device (e.g. "shared_partition").
-**mtools.tcz** can be a little gnarly to work with. If you need to create a configuration file, you are best off naming it /etc/mtools.config because ~/.mtoolsrc seems to be ignored.+**mlabel** can be a little annoying to work with and may ask you to add line to its configuration file. This file can be named /etc/mtools.config or ~/.mtoolsrc  For best results simply make /etc/mtools.config and ~/.mtoolsrc identical.
 ==OTHER==  ==OTHER== 
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