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wiki:virtualbox [2012/03/19 15:17] – minor spelling and formatting BobBagwillwiki:virtualbox [2013/09/23 06:56] (current) – add 'troubleshooting': sync mouse pointer asashnov
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 This is because many people would find it inconvenient to boot into tinycore every time they need to make a small change, cook up a package, or simply experiment. This is because many people would find it inconvenient to boot into tinycore every time they need to make a small change, cook up a package, or simply experiment.
-I have a great suggestion that would ease your pains. You can actually boot tinycore within a virtual machine like Sun VirtualBox. This will allow you to boot TinyCore as a "window" within your existing OS,  and even works on Windows!+I have a great suggestion that would ease your pains. You can actually boot tinycore within a virtual machine like Oracle VirtualBox. This will allow you to boot TinyCore as a "window" within your existing OS,  and even works on Windows!
 There are 3 ways of doing this, of which the last one I like best. There are 3 ways of doing this, of which the last one I like best.
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 ===== Windows Host Os ===== ===== Windows Host Os =====
 ==== Method 1: VBox Boot from Mounted Tinycore ISO ==== ==== Method 1: VBox Boot from Mounted Tinycore ISO ====
-The tutorial here will be focused on getting you up and running the simplest way.+ 
 +Download the ISO of your choice (TinyCore, CorePlus, or Core). Start VirtualBox, click on **New**, which will start the New Virtual Machine Wizard, and click **Next**. Enter a VM name, and select OS Type **Linux** version **Linux 2.6**. Select how much memory you want to use, remembering that TinyCore caches everything in memory, so the more memory, the better.  The next step allows you to create a virtual hard disk. If you will want to install TinyCore to disk, go ahead and create one. The default minimum of 8 gigabytes is fine.  Otherwise, uncheck the checkbox, and click **Next**.  At the last screen, click **Create**. You will be sent back to the VirtualBox main screen. Select your new VM, and click on **Start**, this will start the First Run Wizard. Click **Next** and at the Select Installation Media screen, click on the directory browsing icon, and navigate to the location of the ISO you downloaded earlier. Select the ISO, click **Next** and click **Start**. The new VM should boot, and you should see the TinyCore boot prompt. 
 ==== Method 2: VBox Boot from Tinycore Virtual Disk ==== ==== Method 2: VBox Boot from Tinycore Virtual Disk ====
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   - Finally, we edit boot.ini (WinXp) or use bcdedit (Vista) or [[http://neosmart.net/dl.php?id=1 | EasyBCD]] to create a record in Windows Bootloader to allow us to boot into grub when in the "Choose your operating System" Screen. Read [[http://port25.technet.com/archive/2006/10/13/Using-Vista_2700_s-Boot-Manager-to-Boot-Linux-and-Dual-Booting-with-BitLocker-Protection-with-TPM-Support.aspx | this link]] to find out how.   - Finally, we edit boot.ini (WinXp) or use bcdedit (Vista) or [[http://neosmart.net/dl.php?id=1 | EasyBCD]] to create a record in Windows Bootloader to allow us to boot into grub when in the "Choose your operating System" Screen. Read [[http://port25.technet.com/archive/2006/10/13/Using-Vista_2700_s-Boot-Manager-to-Boot-Linux-and-Dual-Booting-with-BitLocker-Protection-with-TPM-Support.aspx | this link]] to find out how.
   - Shiretoko, Xfe, Xfw extensions are installed to give the common user some ease.   - Shiretoko, Xfe, Xfw extensions are installed to give the common user some ease.
 +==== Troubleshooting ====
 +If you have a problem with mouse pointer try to uncheck System' -> 'Motherboard' -> 'Enable absolute pointing device' in the VM configuration (tested on VirtualBox-4.2). As an alternative you can install Xorg-7.6 and virtualbox-ose-additions in order to sync your mouse pointer between host machine and VM properly.
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