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wiki:using_xorg_over_xvesa [2017/03/16 05:41] – forum link added and preliminary note made a little bit more prminent bernhardwiki:using_xorg_over_xvesa [2017/03/16 07:51] (current) bernhard
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-Using Xorg instead of Xvesa offers several benefits: accelerated display, better looking display especially on notebook screens, better control of display resolution, refresh rate, keyboard, pointing device, etc, Features required by some applications provided only by Xorg. For more Information look at the [[http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=6990.0|discussion on the Forum]].+Using Xorg instead of Xvesa offers several benefits: accelerated display, better looking display especially on notebook screens, better control of display resolution, refresh rate, keyboard, pointing device, etc, Features required by some applications provided only by Xorg. For more information look at the [[http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=6990.0|discussion on the Forum]].
 On the other hand, due to special hardware, driver not available, etc, Xorg won't work.  On the other hand, due to special hardware, driver not available, etc, Xorg won't work. 
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