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wiki:usb_life [2011/06/16 12:55] – [Use a Non-Journalling Filesystem] Guywiki:usb_life [2011/06/16 12:55] (current) – [Persistent home] Guy
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 It depends on how you use the USB drive. For example: It depends on how you use the USB drive. For example:
-If you run Tiny Core from a USB drive, and normally change a lot of files when using it, it may be better to backup the home directory.+If you run Tinycore from a USB drive, and normally change a lot of files when using it, it may be better to backup the home directory.
 If you use the USB drive as a repair and rescue tool, and don't normally change many files when using it, it may be better to use persistent home. If you use the USB drive as a repair and rescue tool, and don't normally change many files when using it, it may be better to use persistent home.
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