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wiki:usb_life [2011/05/27 20:51] – [Use a Non-Journalling Filesystem] Guywiki:usb_life [2011/06/16 12:55] (current) – [Persistent home] Guy
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 ==== Use a Non-Journalling Filesystem ==== ==== Use a Non-Journalling Filesystem ====
-Use a non-journalling filesystem (ext2 is ideal), to minimize the amount of writing to the drive.+Use a non-journalling filesystem to minimize the amount of writing to the drive. When installing Tinycore, ext2 is ideal.
-==== Use Backup, not Persistent home ====+==== Persistent opt ====
-When Tiny Core is run without persistent home, and file is savedit is saved to RAM. It is only written to the USB drive, when backup is run, normally when shutting down Tiny Core.+If persistent opt is used on USB drivein most situations this results in less writing to the usb drive. Most people change settings in optless often than they backup.
-==== Use Persistent opt ====+==== Persistent home ====
-If persistent opt is used on a USB drive, in most situations, it results in less writing to the usb drive. Most people change settings in opt, less often than they backup.+Is it a good idea to have persistent home on a USB drive?
-==== Make Extensions for Settings ====+It depends on how you use the USB drive. For example:
-If you have Tiny Core installed on a USB drive, using backup, and make extensions for settings and large files, you can have less in backup, which lengthens the life of the USB drive. For more informationsee [[extension_for_settings|Make Extensions for Settings]].+If you run Tinycore from a USB drive, and normally change a lot of files when using it, it may be better to backup the home directory. 
 +If you use the USB drive as a repair and rescue tool, and don't normally change many files when using itit may be better to use persistent home. 
 +Ask the question: Is less written to the USB drive by saving files each time they are changedor by saving everything in backup each time the computer is turned off?
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