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wiki:tar [2011/05/12 00:26] – [Extract an .rpm file] Guywiki:tar [2011/08/07 00:23] (current) – [tinycore.gz, and microcore.gz] Guy
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-====== Extract tgz, tar.gz, tbz, tar.bz2, tar.xz files and others ======+====== Extract tar.gz, tar.bz2, zip, and other Compressed Files ====== 
 +If the file is owned by root, you may need to use sudo. 
 +==== tgz, tar.gz, tbz, tar.bz2, and tar.xz ====
 To extract a tgz, tar.gz, tbz, tar.bz2, or tar.xz file, open the terminal and type To extract a tgz, tar.gz, tbz, tar.bz2, or tar.xz file, open the terminal and type
Line 6: Line 10:
 tar -xvf filename</code> tar -xvf filename</code>
-If the file is owned by root, you may need to use sudo. 
-==== Other File Types ==== 
 ==== .bz2 ==== ==== .bz2 ====
Line 18: Line 19:
 <code>gunzip filename.gz</code> <code>gunzip filename.gz</code>
-Note: Files such as tinycore.gz, tc-install.gz and nettools.gzare different. See below.+Note: Files such as tinycore.gz and microcore.gz are different. See below. 
 ==== .rar ==== ==== .rar ====
Line 47: Line 49:
     .txz is equivalent to .tar.xz     .txz is equivalent to .tar.xz
-==== tinycore.gz, tc-install.gz and nettools.gz ====+==== tinycore.gz and microcore.gz ====
-To extract files such as tinycore.gz, tc-install.gz and nettools.gz, use+To extract files such as tinycore.gz and microcore.gz, use
 <code>cd directory <code>cd directory
-zcat tc-install.gz | sudo cpio -i -H newc -d</code>+zcat tinycore.gz | sudo cpio -i -H newc -d</code>
 For more information, see [[Remastering]]. For more information, see [[Remastering]].
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