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wiki:sound_setup_using_oss [2013/03/01 14:19] – Correction tinypoodlewiki:sound_setup_using_oss [2013/03/23 21:15] (current) tinypoodle
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    * If you need easier surround sound  -->Pulseaudio  \\    * If you need easier surround sound  -->Pulseaudio  \\
    * If you like command mode surround sound --> Try OSS \\    * If you like command mode surround sound --> Try OSS \\
-   * If you have an ISA sound device --> Try OSS then ALSA \\ 
    * If you need a sound modem (dial-up) plus normal sound out --> Likely to be ALSA \\    * If you need a sound modem (dial-up) plus normal sound out --> Likely to be ALSA \\
    * If you need to use a webcam builtin mic --> Try OSS then ALSA \\    * If you need to use a webcam builtin mic --> Try OSS then ALSA \\
    * If you need to play high quality sound files --> ALSA\\    * If you need to play high quality sound files --> ALSA\\
    * If you have a Intel device, that needs a tweak --> ALSA    * If you have a Intel device, that needs a tweak --> ALSA
 +   * In case you have an ISA sound card or a very old CPU, alsa may be your only choice. 
 OSS is easier to setup, but fewer people use it so you may not get the support you are looking for. OSS is easier to setup, but fewer people use it so you may not get the support you are looking for.
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