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wiki:sound_setup_using_oss [2012/10/04 20:34] – [Reasons to consider installing OSS versus ALSA] webcam aus9wiki:sound_setup_using_oss [2013/03/23 21:15] (current) tinypoodle
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 Sound is NOT built into base of MicroCore, TinyCore or CorePlus, sound is implemented via extensions.  Sound is NOT built into base of MicroCore, TinyCore or CorePlus, sound is implemented via extensions. 
-Assuming you are a newbie, select ossxmix from the Apps and choose onboot. On reboot, you are likely to have sound. +Assuming you are a newbie, select ossxmix from the Apps and choose onboot. On reboot, you are likely to have sound.\\ 
-If you have installed a desktop eg LXDE, there should be an icon for your new mixer. Otherwise you can click on empty desk space, choose Applications and name of mixer is called +If you have installed a desktop eg LXDE, you can drag into your desktop folder using your filemanager, the file is called ossxmix.desktop.\\ 
 +Your desktop icon is named  
 +The desktop (or icon) files are in 
 +Otherwiseyou can click on empty desk space, choose Applications and name of mixer is called 
 <code>OSS_GTK2_mixer</code> <code>OSS_GTK2_mixer</code>
 If you prefer commands, open a terminal and run command If you prefer commands, open a terminal and run command
 <code> <code>
 </code> </code>
 For more advanced users, if you do not want a GTK download choose OSS from apps and reboot. For more advanced users, if you do not want a GTK download choose OSS from apps and reboot.
-===== Reasons to consider installing OSS versus ALSA =====+===== OSS versus ALSA =====
 Warning: This is written for newbies, its not meant to be a pure recommendation but \\ Warning: This is written for newbies, its not meant to be a pure recommendation but \\
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 because they may be trying to use OSS when something might be better or vice versa. because they may be trying to use OSS when something might be better or vice versa.
-If you need skype --> ALSA (and suggest no Pulseaudio) \\ +   If you need skype --> ALSA (and suggest no Pulseaudio) \\ 
-If you need to change sound devices on-the-fly gui --> Pulseaudio (front end to ALSA) \\ +   * If you need to change sound devices on-the-fly gui --> Pulseaudio (front end to ALSA) \\ 
-If you need to change sound devices no gui -->  ALSA \\ +   * If you need to change sound devices no gui -->  ALSA \\ 
-If you need easier surround sound  --> ALSA  \\ +   * If you need easier surround sound  -->Pulseaudio  \\ 
-If you like command mode surround sound --> Try OSS \\ +   * If you like command mode surround sound --> Try OSS \\ 
-If you have an ISA sound device --> Try OSS then ALSA \\ +   * If you need a sound modem (dial-up) plus normal sound out --> Likely to be ALSA \\ 
-If you need a sound modem (dial-up) plus normal sound out --> Likely to be ALSA \\ +   * If you need to use a webcam builtin mic --> Try OSS then ALSA \\ 
-If you need to use a webcam builtin mic --> ALSA +   * If you need to play high quality sound files --> ALSA\\ 
-If you need to play high quality sound files --> ALSA+   * If you have a Intel device, that needs a tweak --> ALSA 
 +   * In case you have an ISA sound card or a very old CPU, alsa may be your only choice. 
 OSS is easier to setup, but fewer people use it so you may not get the support you are looking for. OSS is easier to setup, but fewer people use it so you may not get the support you are looking for.
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 sound devices that need tweaked settings. sound devices that need tweaked settings.
-IMHO the ossxmix is deficient in that it does not show surround sound mixer sliders.+As I have an intel device, that needs a tweak, multichannel sliders do no appear in my ossxmix image as \\ 
 +OSS appears to not know how to handle my sound device.
-Try OSS and see if you like please.+However, OSS is still easiest of the the two to setup for persistence so try OSS first please unless my list rules \\ 
 +OSS out.  
 +good luck and [[setting_up_sound|click here for ALSA wiki]] 
 +=====Remove ALSA===== 
 +If you have previously installed ALSA remove those packages from onboot 
 ===== Checking tcz loads ok on reboot ===== ===== Checking tcz loads ok on reboot =====
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 ===== Surround sound  and OSS **forum**  extras===== ===== Surround sound  and OSS **forum**  extras=====
-{{http://www.4front-tech.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4408&p=17604&hilit=surround+sound#p17604| surround sound}}+For surround sound click on the forum link and enter this string as a search please, as I have attempted to provide 2 links to it\\ 
 +but its borked
-{{http://www.4front-tech.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=3&sid=fb3c7c6456e2321c5473ec00fed74c18| OSS linux forum}}+^HOWTO: 5.1 Surround sound with OSS4 ^ 
 +{{http://www.4front-tech.com/forum/| OSS linux forum}}
 {{http://www.opensound.com/wiki/index.php/Tips_And_Tricks| Tips and Tricks}} {{http://www.opensound.com/wiki/index.php/Tips_And_Tricks| Tips and Tricks}}
 {{http://www.opensound.com/wiki/index.php/Troubleshooting| Trouble shooting}} {{http://www.opensound.com/wiki/index.php/Troubleshooting| Trouble shooting}}
 +===== Webcam =====
 +To get your webcam working in TC, is not fully discussed in this wiki.\\
 +For my cam, on an usb lead, I need to use a module called uvcvideo so its sufficient for me to load\\
 +My cam does not appear in
 +As its on a lead, I did a full reboot and then usb webcam tab appears in mixer pane
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