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wiki:setting_up_wifi_at_boot [2012/10/25 01:38] – [Move Config File] ethanHwiki:setting_up_wifi_at_boot [2012/10/25 01:45] (current) – [Prerequisites] ethanH
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 ==== Prerequisites ==== ==== Prerequisites ====
 A prerequisite is to read the instructions here: [[wiki:setting_up_wifi|Setting Up Wifi]].\\ A prerequisite is to read the instructions here: [[wiki:setting_up_wifi|Setting Up Wifi]].\\
-To use this guide, one must follow the instructions under the [[wiki:setting_up_wifi#more_advanced_setupusing_wireless_tools|Advanced Setup Using Wireless Tools]] section and the [[wiki:setting_up_wifi#connecting_to_a_wpa-psk_secured_access_point|Connecting to to a WPA-PSK Secured Access Point]].\\+To use this guide, one must follow the instructions under the [[wiki:setting_up_wifi#more_advanced_setupusing_wireless_tools|Advanced Setup Using Wireless Tools]] section and the [[wiki:setting_up_wifi#connecting_to_a_wpa-psk_secured_access_point|Connecting to to a WPA-PSK Secured Access Point]] section.\\
 Specifically you must have a "wpa_configure.conf" file and these commands must connect you to the desired access point. Specifically you must have a "wpa_configure.conf" file and these commands must connect you to the desired access point.
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