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wiki:setting_up_sound [2016/09/04 00:53] – preview showed no dokuwiki errors but they appear on save so put back full doc aus9wiki:setting_up_sound [2018/10/04 20:21] (current) – [Rich setup guide] aus9
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 +=====Rich setup guide=====
 +Install alsa-config.tcz and alsa.tcz
 +Install alsamixergui.tcz (optional)
 +Set the volume control on the front of the speaker about 1/3 of the way up
 +<code>alsactl init</code>
 +This produced a slight thump as the card was found and initialized. That command
 +also unmuted the speakers and set the mixer volumes at sane levels.
 +<code>speaker-test [-Ddefault:1] -c2 -t wav -l1</code>
 +If all went well, you should hear the phrases  "Front Left"  and  "Front Right"  from
 +your left and right speakers respectively.
 +<code>sudo alsactl store</code>
 +<code>echo alsactl restore >> /opt/bootlocal.sh</code>
 +<code>echo usr/local/etc/alsa/asound.state >> /opt/.filetool.lst</code>
 +Run a backup to save your setup.
 =====Hearing sound using ALSA===== =====Hearing sound using ALSA=====
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