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wiki:pulseaudio [2012/10/27 09:55] – [PA and mic issues] fan aus9wiki:pulseaudio [2013/06/25 04:58] (current) – [Create dbus config] fix echo command aus9
Line 91: Line 91:
 <code> <code>
 mkdir .X.d mkdir .X.d
-echo 'dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session> .X.d/dbus+echo "dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session> .X.d/dbus
 </code> </code>
 Please note the dot before and after the capital x please Please note the dot before and after the capital x please
Line 158: Line 158:
 I will repeat, for me, I had no missing errors although a short while ago I did and one stage need to install GConf.tcz but a repeat test seems to have cleared that error. I will repeat, for me, I had no missing errors although a short while ago I did and one stage need to install GConf.tcz but a repeat test seems to have cleared that error.
-**googe non-missing errors**\\+**google non-missing errors**\\
 After resolving missing packages for the onboot list, you might still have some that appear to be configuration type errors. After resolving missing packages for the onboot list, you might still have some that appear to be configuration type errors.
 eg eg
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