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wiki:printer_setup_using_cups [2012/02/08 17:53] andrewbwiki:printer_setup_using_cups [2012/02/08 18:01] (current) andrewb
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 Install cups using the App Browser. It needs to be in OnBoot, which is the default when installing applications. If you have already installed cups, and it is not in OnBoot, put it in OnBoot using Apps Audit. Install cups using the App Browser. It needs to be in OnBoot, which is the default when installing applications. If you have already installed cups, and it is not in OnBoot, put it in OnBoot using Apps Audit.
-Some printers require additional extensions loaded to operate with cups. A list of these printers and the extensions required is [[:Printers_requiring_additional_extensions_with_cups|here]]+Some printers require additional extensions loaded to operate with cups. A list of these printers and the extensions required is [[wiki:printers_requiring_additional_extensions_with_cups|here]]
 So that Cups starts automatically each time Tinycore is started, add So that Cups starts automatically each time Tinycore is started, add
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