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wiki:persistent_home [2011/04/24 22:03] Guywiki:persistent_home [2011/06/16 13:04] (current) Guy
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 ====== Persistent home and opt ====== ====== Persistent home and opt ======
 +==== When Installed on a Hard Drive ====
-Tiny Core loads into ram and by default it's /home directory is there tooThis means any file you download or create in your home directory while using Tiny Core will reside in ram. If you backup your home directory which is also default your files will persist after reboots. See [[Backup - Restore]] for more on backing up and restoringHowever you may want to have persistent home on your hard drive to lighten up ram usageThis is achieved by using a boot code home= with your desired hard drive name following the = symbolFor example use home=hda1 if you want your home directory to be in hda1 or home=sda3 if you want it to be sda3. You can also name a directory where to store your persistent home like home=sda1/mydataTiny Core will automatically create your home directory in the specified hard drivepartition and/or directory and mount it so you can use it to store your filesSee [[Boot Options]] (Wiki) and [[Boot codes explained]] to learn more about boot codes.+The best way to run Tinycore when installed on a hard drive, is using persistent home and opt. 
 +To have persistent home and opt, add 
 +<code>opt=sda1 home=sda1</code> 
 +to the bootloader. If not in sda1, use the correct partition. 
 +==== When Installed on a USB Drive ==== 
 +When setting up persistent home and/or opt in USB drive, it is ideal to use the [[UUID]]
 +To set up persistent opt, edit the bootloader configuration file, adding persistent opt. 
 +If you have installed Tinycore using the installer, you should already have tce=UUID="9aff3da3-474d-440d-bb6c-3240afe84ac6" (the number will be different). To set up persistent opt, copy the UUID number, like this 
 +<code>opt=UUID="9aff3da3-474d-440d-bb6c-3240afe84ac6" tce=UUID="9aff3da3-474d-440d-bb6c-3240afe84ac6"</code> 
 +Use the UUID number for your USB drive
 +To set up persistent home, do the same for home. 
 +If you have not installed Tinycore using the installer, to find out the UUID, use 
 +<code>blkid -s UUID /dev/sda1</code> 
 +If not sda1, use the correct partition. 
 +==== Backup ==== 
 +If you use backup as well as persistent home and opt, edit /opt/.filetool.lst, delete all references to the home and opt directories (in the version I am using that is everything)then add a list of files and directories you want backed up to /opt/.filetool.lst. 
 +For more information, see 
 +  * [[Backup]]
-Note: After setting up persistent home you may want to edit your .filetool.lst to prevent Tiny Core from backing up data in your home directory. You should only backup files that are important and/or are lost after rebooting. See [[Backup - Restore]]. 
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