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wiki:passwd [2012/01/06 20:07] MisterLwiki:passwd [2012/08/29 08:06] (current) – [Tinycore Passwords] fixed typo kennedywalker
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 If you want to prevent other people from logging into your computer, you can add passwords to Tinycore. If you want to prevent other people from logging into your computer, you can add passwords to Tinycore.
-If you are using the Extlinux bootloader, another option it to add passwords to Extlinux. For more information, +If you are using the Extlinux bootloader, another option is to add passwords to Extlinux. For more information, 
 see [[extlinux_passwd|Extlinux Passwords]]. see [[extlinux_passwd|Extlinux Passwords]].
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