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wiki:package_management_cheat_sheet [2011/05/25 12:12] curagawiki:package_management_cheat_sheet [2012/09/26 05:25] (current) – ab command is now called tce-ab aus9
Line 6: Line 6:
 |**Install a package from the repo**|apt-get install ''pkg''|yum install ''pkg''|tce-load -wi ''pkg''| |**Install a package from the repo**|apt-get install ''pkg''|yum install ''pkg''|tce-load -wi ''pkg''|
 |**Install from a local file**|dpkg -i ''pkg''|yum localinstall ''pkg''|tce-load -i ''pkg''| |**Install from a local file**|dpkg -i ''pkg''|yum localinstall ''pkg''|tce-load -i ''pkg''|
-|**Search**|apt-cache search ''pattern''|yum search ''pattern''|ab ''pattern''|+|**Search**|apt-cache search ''pattern''|yum search ''pattern''|tce-ab |
 |**List installed packages**|dpkg -l|rpm -qa|ls /usr/local/tce.installed| |**List installed packages**|dpkg -l|rpm -qa|ls /usr/local/tce.installed|
 +-----------(will offer alternative prompts for))
 + S)earch P)rovides K)eywords or Q)uit
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