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wiki:mirror [2011/05/16 22:07] – [Local Mirrors] Guywiki:mirror [2011/06/16 12:51] (current) – [Select Mirror] Guy
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 ====== Select Mirror ====== ====== Select Mirror ======
-For some of the options discussed here, you need version 3.6 or higher.+For some of the options discussed here, you need Tinycore version 3.6 or higher
 +For a list of mirrors, see [[mirrors]].
 ==== Install mirrors.tcz ==== ==== Install mirrors.tcz ====
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 To select a mirror, open the App Browser, and click Mirrors, then select a mirror. To select a mirror, open the App Browser, and click Mirrors, then select a mirror.
-==== Using Command ====+==== Local Mirrors ====
-To select a mirror, open the terminal and type+If you have local mirror, or want to use mirrors not listed in mirrors.tcz, create a file /opt/localmirrors, and list them.
-<code>tcemirror.sh</code>+==== Using Commands ====
-==== Local Mirrors ====+To find out your existing mirror, open the terminal and type
-If you have one or more local mirrors, create a file /opt/localmirrorsand list them.+<code>cat /opt/tcemirror</code> 
 +To select a mirroruse 
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