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wiki:load_app_commands [2011/05/07 05:05] Guywiki:load_app_commands [2011/05/07 05:06] (current) – [Start or Load Applications] Guy
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 This information is included for people using Microcore without a graphical interface, and other advanced users. This information is included for people using Microcore without a graphical interface, and other advanced users.
-New users should find it easier starting applications from the menu or wbar. New users should also learn about On Boot and On Demand. For more information, see [[install apps|Install Applications]].+New users should find it easier starting applications from the menu or wbar. It is also a good idea to learn about On Boot and On Demand. For more information, see [[install apps|Install Applications]].
 ==== Start an Application ==== ==== Start an Application ====
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