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wiki:integrating_extensions [2011/05/19 15:41] – [Add extensions] Guywiki:integrating_extensions [2011/06/18 15:26] (current) curaga
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 This guide is for adding extensions to an ISO. This guide is for adding extensions to an ISO.
 +**Deprecated as of 3.7, use [[wiki:dynamic_root_filesystem_remastering|dynamic root fs remastering]] instead.**
 +Using the described procedure results in an applicance like device. That is you will **not** be able to use AppBrowser or AppsAudit to add or maintain any apps. Using this procedure effectively breaks the dynamic features of Tiny Core. If your goal is a locked down frozen system then proceed. Do not complain when you are unable to dynamically add even one application.
 To make an ISO image, the **mkisofs-tools** extension needs to be installed. To make an ISO image, the **mkisofs-tools** extension needs to be installed.
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