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wiki:integrating_extensions [2011/05/19 15:34] – [Add extensions] Guywiki:integrating_extensions [2011/06/18 15:26] (current) curaga
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 This guide is for adding extensions to an ISO. This guide is for adding extensions to an ISO.
 +**Deprecated as of 3.7, use [[wiki:dynamic_root_filesystem_remastering|dynamic root fs remastering]] instead.**
 +Using the described procedure results in an applicance like device. That is you will **not** be able to use AppBrowser or AppsAudit to add or maintain any apps. Using this procedure effectively breaks the dynamic features of Tiny Core. If your goal is a locked down frozen system then proceed. Do not complain when you are unable to dynamically add even one application.
 To make an ISO image, the **mkisofs-tools** extension needs to be installed. To make an ISO image, the **mkisofs-tools** extension needs to be installed.
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 Copy all extensions to /tmp/newiso/tce/optional. Copy all extensions to /tmp/newiso/tce/optional.
-It is easiest to install applications using the appbrowser, so that dependencies are included, then copy them all. Extensions are in the /tce/optional directory. If using cloud mode, they are in /tmp/tce/optional. If not using this method, ensure you include all .dep files and dependencies.+It is easiest to install applications using the appbrowser, so that .dep files and dependencies are included, then copy them all. Extensions are in the /tce/optional directory. If using cloud mode, they are in /tmp/tce/optional. If not using this method, ensure you include all .dep files and dependencies.
 It is not necessary to use On Boot or On Demand, as you can use Install Local. It is not necessary to use On Boot or On Demand, as you can use Install Local.
-However, you may use On Boot or On Demand, or have some applications in each. This enables you to just start applications from the wbar and menu. If On Demand (or Install Local) is used, the CD can be run on a computer with less RAM than On Boot. It is easiest to set up On Boot and On Demand in the computer, then copy the entire tce directory to /tmp/newiso, including the On Boot file, and the On Demand directory.+However, it may be more convenient to use On Boot or On Demand, or have some applications in each. This enables you to just start applications from the wbar and menu. If On Demand (or Install Local) is used, the CD can be run on a computer with less RAM than On Boot. It is easiest to set up On Boot and On Demand in the computer, then copy the entire tce directory to /tmp/newiso, including the On Boot file, and the On Demand directory.
 It is a good idea to include install-tools.gz for installing Tiny Core, and network-tools.gz for connecting to the Internet. Copy these to the tce directory (not /tce/optional). It is a good idea to include install-tools.gz for installing Tiny Core, and network-tools.gz for connecting to the Internet. Copy these to the tce directory (not /tce/optional).
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