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wiki:installing_tc_-_alternate_offline_guide [2011/06/16 12:46] Guywiki:installing_tc_-_alternate_offline_guide [2011/06/16 14:39] (current) – [Manually Install Tinycore on a Hard Drive without being Connected to the Internet] Guy
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 ====== Manually Install Tinycore on a Hard Drive without being Connected to the Internet ====== ====== Manually Install Tinycore on a Hard Drive without being Connected to the Internet ======
-This method may be used to install Tinycore on the hard drive of a computer not connected to the internet. It may be used by people who don't have an internet connectionIt may also be used by people using wireless or dial up internet connections, which can't be connected to the internet until after Tinycore is installed.+** There are easier installation methodsFor these see the [[start|Index]]**
-There are other installation methods, which new users may find easierSee the [[start|Index]].+This method may be used to install Tinycore on the hard drive of a computer not connected to the internetIt may be used by people who don't have an internet connection. It may also be used by people using wireless or dial up internet connections, which can't be connected to the internet until after Tinycore is installed.
 Before installing Tinycore, save a copy of all files you want to keep. All files will be lost. Before installing Tinycore, save a copy of all files you want to keep. All files will be lost.
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 <code>cp -p /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/* /mnt/sda1/boot/grub</code> <code>cp -p /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc/* /mnt/sda1/boot/grub</code>
-==== Alternate Method: Using Fluff File Manager ====+==== Alternate Method: Using Xfe File Manager ==== 
 To start the file manager as root, open the terminal and type: To start the file manager as root, open the terminal and type:
-<code>sudo fluff</code>+<code>sudo xfe</code> 
 Copy the directory /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc, including all of the files in it, to /mnt/sda1/boot. Rename "i386-pc" in /mnt/sda1/boot to "grub." Copy the directory /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc, including all of the files in it, to /mnt/sda1/boot. Rename "i386-pc" in /mnt/sda1/boot to "grub."
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