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wiki:install_apps [2011/08/10 23:10] andrewbwiki:install_apps [2012/12/31 09:58] (current) – [tce Directory location] update for core 4.2 and up lverns
Line 94: Line 94:
 <code>tce-load -wil app_name.tcz</code> <code>tce-load -wil app_name.tcz</code>
 +If you are running a command line only interface (CLI), then after you load an application using ondemand, then you should refresh your bash path cache with:
 +<code>hash -r</code>
 ==== App Browser ==== ==== App Browser ====
Line 135: Line 138:
 ==== tce Directory ==== ==== tce Directory ====
 +If you are running a version of Core earlier than 4.2 then you can find the tce directory by opening the terminal and typing 
 +<code>cat /opt/.tce_dir</code>
-To find out the tce directory, open the terminal and type +If you are running Core 4.2 or later, then you can find the tce directory by opening the terminal and typing 
- +<code>readlink /etc/sysconfig/tcedir</code>
-<code>cat /opt/.tce_dir</code>+
 ==== A note on dependencies and Apps Audit ==== ==== A note on dependencies and Apps Audit ====
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