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wiki:install_apps [2011/05/18 05:00] – [OnBoot, OnDemand, Download and Load or Download Only] Guywiki:install_apps [2012/12/31 09:58] (current) – [tce Directory location] update for core 4.2 and up lverns
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 ====  Install Local ==== ====  Install Local ====
-If you have applications in the /tce/optional directory, but not in OnBoot or OnDemand, you can load them using Install Local. To do this, open the App Browser, click Local, select an application, and click OK.+You can load applications using Install Local. To do this, open the App Browser, click Local, select an application, and click OK.
 ==== Install Applications While Not Connected to the Internet ==== ==== Install Applications While Not Connected to the Internet ====
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 ==== Copy Applications to Other Computers ==== ==== Copy Applications to Other Computers ====
-If you install Tiny Core on another computer, you don't need to download the extensions again. You can just copy them. Extensions are in the /tce/optional directory.+If you install Tinycore on another computer, you don't need to download the extensions again. You can just copy them. Extensions are in the /tce/optional directory.
 Using Apps Audit, put applications in OnBoot or OnDemand. Using Apps Audit, put applications in OnBoot or OnDemand.
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 <code>tce-load -wil app_name.tcz</code> <code>tce-load -wil app_name.tcz</code>
 +If you are running a command line only interface (CLI), then after you load an application using ondemand, then you should refresh your bash path cache with:
 +<code>hash -r</code>
 ==== App Browser ==== ==== App Browser ====
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 ==== tce Directory ==== ==== tce Directory ====
 +If you are running a version of Core earlier than 4.2 then you can find the tce directory by opening the terminal and typing 
 +<code>cat /opt/.tce_dir</code>
-To find out the tce directory, open the terminal and type+If you are running Core 4.2 or later, then you can find the tce directory by opening the terminal and typing 
 +<code>readlink /etc/sysconfig/tcedir</code>
-<code>cat /opt/.tce_dir</code>+==== A note on dependencies and Apps Audit ==== 
 +When an extension is placed in the OnBoot or OnDemand list using Apps Audit the extension and all it's dependencies are removed from the list of extensions available to be added (the left hand window in Apps Audit). This can result in some extensions apparently disappearing. An example is alsa and alsamixergui: 
 +If a user wishes the alsa sound system to be loaded at boot time the alsa extension is placed in OnBoot, and as alsa-modules is a dependency it will also be removed from the list of extensions available for selection in the left-hand window. The user may occasionally require use of alsamixergui and so places that in OnDemand. 
 +If later alsa is removed from OnBoot, either accidentally or because the user wishes to prevent alsa loading at boot time it does not reappear in the list of extensions available for selection. As a consequence it cannot be added back to OnBoot using Apps Audit. The reason for this is that alsamixergui is in the OnDemand list and has alsa (& consequently alsa-modules) as a dependency so alsa (& alsa-modules) do not appear in the list of extensions available to be added to OnBoot or OnDemand. To be able to restore alsa to OnBoot either the file OnBoot.lst in the tce directory must be edited manually or alsamixergui must be removed from OnDemand, then alsa will be added back to the list of available extensions and can be selected for OnBoot. If the latter method is used alsamixergui will need to be replaced in OnDemand after alsa has been added to OnBoot.
 +This is only one example, but illustrates a possible cause if an extension is not listed as available by Apps Audit, but has been downloaded to local storage.
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