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wiki:ham_radio_applications [2012/02/22 03:51] bmarkuswiki:ham_radio_applications [2012/03/09 06:07] (current) ka1vgm
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   * AX.25 stack - available in TC 4.4 with kernel 3.0.21   * AX.25 stack - available in TC 4.4 with kernel 3.0.21
 +  * gpredict - satellite tracking and predicition
   * hamlib - HAM radio equipment control library   * hamlib - HAM radio equipment control library
-  * gpredict - staellite tracking and predicition +  * TrustedQsl - application to sign LOTW logs for online 
-  * TrustedQsl - application to sign LOTW logs for online submission +  * xastir APRS client
-  * soundmodem packet radio modem using soundcard+
 //List is net yet completed// //List is net yet completed//
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