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wiki:fileserver [2012/10/20 13:56] – [NFS server] added wiki-link kennedywalkerwiki:fileserver [2013/05/09 18:22] (current) – added TFTP under listed alternatives tinypoodle
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 A fileserver is a machine other than your workstation, that keeps your files.\\ A fileserver is a machine other than your workstation, that keeps your files.\\
 Usually, a single fileserver provides filesharing between multiple workstations.\\ Usually, a single fileserver provides filesharing between multiple workstations.\\
 +There are a number of alternatives for sharing files: 
 +  * NFS 
 +  * Samba 
 +  * Rsync 
 ==== NFS server ==== ==== NFS server ====
-The following is a simple recipy for setting up a NFS server that is available to all machines in a subnet.\\+The following is a simple recipe for setting up a NFS server that is available to all machines in a subnet.\\
 To set up a NFS **server** under TinyCore, you need 2 packages. (To setup a NFS **client**, you only need the first package.) To set up a NFS **server** under TinyCore, you need 2 packages. (To setup a NFS **client**, you only need the first package.)
   - nfs-utils.tcz   - nfs-utils.tcz
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 sudo mount  /mnt/nfs sudo mount  /mnt/nfs
 </code> </code>
-( See [[boot option nodhcp]] to obtain a fixed IP address )+( See [[boot option nodhcp]] to obtain a fixed IP address for the server)
 See also: See also:
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   * [[http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,7940.msg42631.html#msg42631]]   * [[http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,7940.msg42631.html#msg42631]]
   * [[http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,10948.0.html]]   * [[http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,10948.0.html]]
-  * +  * [[http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,13923.0.html]]
 === Managing the file server === === Managing the file server ===
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