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wiki:embed_images [2012/11/29 01:30] – created aus9wiki:embed_images [2013/06/24 20:13] (current) – [My way of embedding] add w and h to img box aus9
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-under construction+===== Alternatives ===== 
 +Before you consider whether to embed images into your forum post, alternatives are\\ 
 +in posting a reply or new topic, attach images\\ 
 +--provide web links to images 
 +=====My way of embedding===== 
 +Either join a permanent site for hosting images or look for sites that offer some number of days where the image can be viewed by forum users 
 +I chose tinypic.com 
 +You can create folders to organise your photos from friends to forums etc. 
 +After creating an appropriate folder and uploading an image, I prefer jpg to condense size 
 +click on it to get the larger image 
 +Next right hand click (for a right handed user) the actual image and grab the url for the actual image\\ 
 +This is likely to differ from the link showing in your address bar. 
 +Next in the forum post in the normal text area I write, with a tweak to help those with smaller resolutions 
 +[img width=128 height=80] 
 +the copied url to image 
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