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wiki:custom_kernel [2013/03/04 20:46] – kernel and tc patch links aus9wiki:custom_kernel [2019/04/14 11:48] (current) TomyTurbos
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 The TC patches and other related files for the standard TC kernel are available at  The TC patches and other related files for the standard TC kernel are available at 
-http://tinycorelinux.net/4.x/x86/release/src/kernel/ +http://tinycorelinux.net/{version.x}/x86/release/src/kernel/where {version} equals 10.x for TC10, or 9.x for TC9, etc.
- +
-In the futuresubstitute a newer version number for 4.x in the url.+
 The process to create a custom kernel could in short be described as: The process to create a custom kernel could in short be described as:
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   - Unpack the linux sources and cd into the top level directory of the source package   - Unpack the linux sources and cd into the top level directory of the source package
   - Apply the patches using (in most cases) "patch -p1 < patchfile" for each patch file   - Apply the patches using (in most cases) "patch -p1 < patchfile" for each patch file
 +  - NOTE: "patch -p1 < patchfile" is deprecated. Use "git am patchfile" per https://kernelnewbies.org/KernelBuild
   - Move the kernel config file from the standard TC kernel into the same directory and rename it to ".config"   - Move the kernel config file from the standard TC kernel into the same directory and rename it to ".config"
   - Do "make oldconfig" and answer all questions, in case you have no clue on the answer just provide the default ones (i.e. just hit Return)   - Do "make oldconfig" and answer all questions, in case you have no clue on the answer just provide the default ones (i.e. just hit Return)
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