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wiki:boot_option_nodhcp [2012/08/29 07:57] – created kennedywalkerwiki:boot_option_nodhcp [2012/10/08 09:30] (current) – [Boot option nodhcp] pointed out the actual concrete locations to add boot-time commands kennedywalker
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 ====== Boot option nodhcp ====== ====== Boot option nodhcp ======
-When you need to set up a TinyCore box with a fixed IP address, you can not use DHCP\\ +When you need to set up a TinyCore box with a fixed IP address, you have the following options: 
 +  * Configure the DHCP server of your router to assign a fixed IP to the hardware MAC address of your box.\\ (the command //ifconfig// shows the hardware MAC address on its first output-line -- HWaddr -- ) 
 +  * If you do not have access to your router, or if you don't want to meddle with its config,\\ you must resort to disable DHCP on your TinyCore box.
-Adding the boot parameter //nodhcp// to the grub.cfg file (or its cousin from syslinux) will disable DHCP,\\ 
-To manually set the IP address for your box, enter the commands as given below:+Adding the boot parameter //nodhcp// to the grub.cfg file (or its cousin from syslinux) will disable DHCP on your box 
 +You can also use either of these two alternatives below: 
 +  * Set NODHCP=1 at the beginning of /etc/init.d/tc-config and remaster. 
 +  * To avoid remastering, replace /etc/init.d/dhcp.sh with an empty script in a backup file. 
 +To manually set the IP address for your box to the example value, enter the commands as given below:
 <code>ifconfig eth0 down <code>ifconfig eth0 down
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 </code> </code>
-You can also create a script containing these commands, and arrange for it to be executed after boot.+You can also add these commands to /opt/bootsynch.sh  or  /opt/bootlocal.sh 
 +======= See also ======= 
 +[[http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,6277.0.html|Forum Topic: Permanent disable DHCP + run script at startup]] 
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