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wiki:backup_date [2011/05/24 15:06] – [Backup with Date and Time] Guywiki:backup_date [2011/05/26 16:50] (current) – [Backup with Date and Time] Guy
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 ====== Backup with Date and Time ====== ====== Backup with Date and Time ======
-Following is a guide on how to save a backup or encrypted backup with the date and time. You need to be using backup or encrypted backup. After a predetermined number of backups are created with the date and time (the default is 5), each time a new backup is created, the oldest is deleted.+Following is a guide on how to save a backup or encrypted backup with the date and time. You need to be using backup or encrypted backup. After a predetermined number of backups are created (the default is 5), each time a new backup is created, the oldest is deleted.
 The date and time is in the order year, month, day, then hours, minutes and seconds. This keeps the backup files in order. The date and time is in the order year, month, day, then hours, minutes and seconds. This keeps the backup files in order.
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 Open a text editor, and paste the following. Open a text editor, and paste the following.
-<code># This saves a copy of mydata.tgz or mydata.tgz.bfe with the date and time.+<code>#!/bin/sh
-#!/bin/sh +This saves a copy of backup or encrypted backup with the date and time. 
-PART=sda1  # If not sda1, change this to the correct partition.+ 
 +PART=$(cat /opt/.backup_device) 
 +MYDAT=$(cat /etc/sysconfig/mydata)
 DATE=$(date +"%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S") DATE=$(date +"%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S")
-cd /mnt/$PART/tce/ +cd /mnt/$PART 
-cp mydata.tgz $DATABACK +cp $MYDAT.tgz $DATABACK 
-cp mydata.tgz.bfe $CRYPTBACK+cp $MYDAT.tgz.bfe $CRYPTBACK
 # This deletes the oldest if there are more than the number you select (the default is 5). # This deletes the oldest if there are more than the number you select (the default is 5).
-NUMBACK=$(ls Data-* | wc -l)+NUMBACK=$(ls "$MYDAT"-2* | wc -l)
 while [ $NUMBACK -gt 5 ]  # Change 5 to the number of backups you want to keep. while [ $NUMBACK -gt 5 ]  # Change 5 to the number of backups you want to keep.
 do do
-ls -1t /mnt/$PART/tce/Data-*tg* | tail -1 | xargs /bin/rm -f +ls -1t $MYDAT-2*tg* | tail -1 | xargs /bin/rm -f 
-NUMBACK=$(ls Data-* | wc -l)+NUMBACK=$(ls "$MYDAT"-2* | wc -l)
 done done
 </code> </code>
-If you are not using sda1, change it to the correct partition. 
 Save this file as backdate.sh in /opt. Save this file as backdate.sh in /opt.
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