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wiki:alsa_part2 [2013/02/11 07:41] – [Persistence] add /usr/local/sbin/alsactl restore aus9wiki:alsa_part2 [2018/10/04 20:22] (current) – [Other web resources and credits] aus9
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 The above help is not helpful for microphone or capture devices, these input devices need the SPACE BAR to activate or de-active. The default seems to be de-active. The above help is not helpful for microphone or capture devices, these input devices need the SPACE BAR to activate or de-active. The default seems to be de-active.
-So I have made up a new image that might help newbies? 
 I have hidden the mic sections below as most users tend not to use mics. I have hidden the mic sections below as most users tend not to use mics.
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 and I have 2 sliders and 2 settings in my alsamixer. and I have 2 sliders and 2 settings in my alsamixer.
-{{http://i53.tinypic.com/jhznz7.jpg?300x150}}+image to be updated later
 In above image, I have paired slider 1 with setting one and slider 2  with setting 2 so it reads\\ In above image, I have paired slider 1 with setting one and slider 2  with setting 2 so it reads\\
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 =====How to activate your mic===== =====How to activate your mic=====
-If your alsamixer mic control does not dispaly the word CAPTURE above the bottom capture control, then press the **SPACE BAR** in alsamixer to unmute or activate the mic. Next, use the page up or down or arrow up or down to set the volume levels. So if active, you must see 2 "capture" mentions on the same control.+If your alsamixer mic control does not dispaly the word CAPTURE above the bottom capture control, then press the **SPACE BAR** in alsamixer to unmute or activate the mic. Next, use the page up or down or arrow up or down to set the volume levels. 
 TIP, distortion is more likely at max volume try somewhere between 80-90% and consider doing record and playbacks to confirm.  TIP, distortion is more likely at max volume try somewhere between 80-90% and consider doing record and playbacks to confirm. 
-The mux setting is like a kind of mic amplifier and I suggest you do not use it unless with volumes maxed etc, you can not +The mux setting is like a kind of mic amplifier and I suggest you do not use it unless with volumes maxed etc, you can not hear sufficient volume. Note when raised mux is more likely to  lead to distortion.
-hear sufficient volume.\\ +
-Note when raised .....mux....can lead to distortion.+
 If your alsamixer image has a slider and one named digital then you have an advantage over most sliders. The non-digital slider can be volume zero but kept active, and your mic volume is controlled by the digital slider. If your alsamixer image has a slider and one named digital then you have an advantage over most sliders. The non-digital slider can be volume zero but kept active, and your mic volume is controlled by the digital slider.
 +If you have a headset mic and ear pieces use that to avoid getting speaker feedback through your mic.
 =====Volume guidelines===== =====Volume guidelines=====
 As a general rule, never set volume for inputs at 100%. The amplifier called mux for my card only allows 0,50 or 100 amplification. And 50 and 100 cause too much distortion to even my ears to bear. As a general rule, never set volume for inputs at 100%. The amplifier called mux for my card only allows 0,50 or 100 amplification. And 50 and 100 cause too much distortion to even my ears to bear.
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 Depending on whether you are using skype or video recording, you may need to save a backup of your mixer levels for that webcam. For problems with microphones see Forums, e.g. http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=2083.msg16436#msg16436 Depending on whether you are using skype or video recording, you may need to save a backup of your mixer levels for that webcam. For problems with microphones see Forums, e.g. http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=2083.msg16436#msg16436
 +If you happen to have a modem supported by alsa, then you may find some settings for it in alsamixer, showing as a distinct sound device, e.g. Off-hook and Caller ID.
 =====Other web resources and credits===== =====Other web resources and credits=====
 TC maintainers for OSS and Alsa TC maintainers for OSS and Alsa
-  * -Jason W, Juanito, Curaga+  * Jason W, Juanito, Curaga 
 +  * Moderator Rich for setup guide
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