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wiki:adding_a_desktop_to_microcore [2018/09/26 08:53] – /opt/.tce_dir obsolete bernhardwiki:adding_a_desktop_to_microcore [2018/09/26 09:00] (current) – updated tcedir location bernhard
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 ==== Downloading and installing core elements ==== ==== Downloading and installing core elements ====
 First you need to cd to your tce dir First you need to cd to your tce dir
-^cd `cat /opt/.tce_dir`^ +
-or, on more recent Versions of TinyCore+
 ^cd /etc/sysconfig/tcedir^ ^cd /etc/sysconfig/tcedir^
 +until Core Release 4.2 this was
 +^cd `cat /opt/.tce_dir`^
 Download core elements Download core elements
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