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wiki:32_or_64_bit [2012/01/28 04:45] ke4ntwiki:32_or_64_bit [2012/01/28 04:50] (current) ke4nt
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 Best: Best:
 '' " sudo getconf -a | grep LONG_BIT " ''   ( shows either 32 or 64 ) '' " sudo getconf -a | grep LONG_BIT " ''   ( shows either 32 or 64 )
 +Note:  Using " uname -a " (or -m for short) only shows the type of kernel that is running.
 +A 32 bit kernel ( i386, i586, i686 ) can be run on a 64 bit capable CPU.
 +A 64 bit kernel ( x86_64 ) requires a 64 bit capable CPU to run.
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