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talk:wiki:user:lee [2017/03/28 02:49] – [About the screen shot above] leetalk:wiki:user:lee [2024/07/18 05:49] (current) Lee
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 ===== 20120108-1215 ===== ===== 20120108-1215 =====
 This is a test of the discussion tab for the user page for article My Talk for user Lee. This is a test of the discussion tab for the user page for article My Talk for user Lee.
 +===== 20240718-0436 screen shot =====
 +A screenshot of my jwm desktop\\
 +===== 20240718-0427 =====
 +Well, it's been a while, due in part to me being lazy and in part to the wiki being only partially functional for so long.  Major kudos to Team Tiny Core for getting the wiki back under control.
 +In the 7 and a half years since my last post, some things have changed but, of course, some have not... 
 +What's the same:
 +  * Still using Core as my primary OS, but now I'm on Core 15.0 and on x86_64.  I still keep an old Win 7 Pro tower around but these days I only use it for email (in the process of moving that to my primary Tiny Core machine) and that one old flash game that I still play once a day.
 +  * Still using jwm but a newer version and and have learned much more about configuring it to my preferences.
 +  * Still using the same wall paper (envane) - I find it very relaxing - though on 8 of the 10 desktops in my "pager" I've fiddled with the colors.  Tweaking it to purple, for instance, is kind of neat looking but I still prefer the original color as shown in the screen shot.
 +  * Still using conky, though I've tweaked the settings on it to make it appear very muted against the wallpaper image.  That color does clash a bit with certain of the different colored wall papers (especially that purple one) and disappears entirely on others.  I got rid of the gauges and stuck with text and regular graphs,
 +  * Still using wbar, though I've made it vertical and wedged it in between the conky display and the right hand edge of the screen.
 +  * Still using grub2 boot loader but now following Juanito's excellent instructions (see the forum) for multi-boot USB sticks that will work on UEFI machines -and- BIOS machines.
 +What's different:
 +  * No longer working in IT
 +  * No longer living where I was before, though I'm in the same general area
 +  * My  kids are no longer exactly "kids"
 +  * I have newer computer hardware (and am actually retiring some of the old stuff)
 +  * I've finally got a native linux version of my favorite text editor, a commercial product called "epsilon" from Lugaru software.  I've been using the same text editor in various versions since 1985, so having it on Tiny Core is a bigger deal than it probably sounds like.
 +In the mean time, I did learn how to remaster rootfs.gz, modules.gz and/or core.gz and found the process to be extremely simple.  Then I proceeded to -not- do so because I realized that there was really nothing I -needed- to customize and the few things I -wanted-  to customize were "vanity" tweaks,  Then, in the intervening time since making that decision, I've found that maybe there are a few bits I might change or add, so I might have to revisit that.
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