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talk:wiki:the_boot_process [2013/04/08 01:40] – created xk2600talk:wiki:the_boot_process [2013/04/08 01:41] (current) xk2600
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-Hope nobody minds. I kept forgetting where certain portions of scripts were executed. So I spent some time and documented a large portion of the boot process through /etc/init.d/tc-config.+Hope nobody minds. I kept forgetting where certain portions of scripts were executed. So I spent some time and documented a large portion of the boot process through /etc/init.d/tc-config. If this needs to be broken out elsewhere that's fine. I just couldn't find anything quite as thorough as I was looking for and I'm sure others would like to have as well. -xk2600 4/7/2013 
-If this needs to be broken out elsewhere that's fine. I just couldn't find anything quite as thorough as I was looking for and I'm sure others would like to have as well. 
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