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talk:wiki:getting_started [2012/03/07 15:44] DG12talk:wiki:getting_started [2012/03/07 15:45] (current) DG12
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 By the way, (with extensive HTML editing experience) after using the wikipedia wiki system, I found formatting with this tool (DokuWik) REALLY hard. In particular ordered (numbered) lists. By the way, (with extensive HTML editing experience) after using the wikipedia wiki system, I found formatting with this tool (DokuWik) REALLY hard. In particular ordered (numbered) lists.
 DG12 DG12
 Now I know why I had slow start, from home page clicking on wiki showed only screen shots! Now I know why I had slow start, from home page clicking on wiki showed only screen shots!
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 Did most of the current wiki come from another tool? I noticed pages with # in the front of section headings like they wanted to be bullet numbers Did most of the current wiki come from another tool? I noticed pages with # in the front of section headings like they wanted to be bullet numbers
 DG12 DG12
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