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talk:dcore:x-desktop [2016/06/15 07:37] sm8pstalk:dcore:x-desktop [2016/06/15 16:16] (current) nitram
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-Really well done with the icons, nitram! Sorry to be only speaking from the balcony but nevertheless thanks for your great effort with the wiki!  --- //[[sm8ps-tcl1@yahoo.com|sm8ps]] 2016/06/15 04:35//+Really well done with the icons, nitram! Sorry to be only speaking from the balcony but nevertheless thanks for your great effort with the wiki!   
 +--- //[[sm8ps-tcl1@yahoo.com|sm8ps]] 2016/06/15 04:35// 
 +Thanks and no need to apologize sm8ps, come back and contribute when you have time :) 
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