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talk:dcore:welcome [2015/01/06 15:18] – [Booting, Installing] sm8pstalk:dcore:welcome [2015/04/29 15:58] (current) – [Structure of content] sm8ps
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 ====== Structure of content ====== ====== Structure of content ======
-Discussion of structure here below. +I strongly want to suggest putting real content on separate pages that can be linked from this Welcome-page --- //[[sm8ps-tcl1@yahoo.com|sm8ps]] 2015/04/29 12:57//
- --- //[[sm8ps-tcl1@yahoo.com|sm8ps]] 2015/01/03 03:26//+
 ===== Section dCore ===== ===== Section dCore =====
-"To get a usable X11 desktop (...) type in startx, to start up Xorg." should later go into a page collection, probably "Beginners"+<del>"To get a usable X11 desktop (...) type in startx, to start up Xorg." should later go into a page collection, probably "Beginners"
---- //[[sm8ps-tcl1@yahoo.com|sm8ps]] 2015/01/04 23:55//+--- //[[sm8ps-tcl1@yahoo.com|sm8ps]] 2015/01/04 23:55//</del> Contained in [[dcore:usb_installation_test-drive]] --- //[[sm8ps-tcl1@yahoo.com|sm8ps]] 2015/04/29 12:53// 
 ====== Wiki pages to be reference ====== ====== Wiki pages to be reference ======
Line 125: Line 132:
   * http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/wiki:setting_up_wifi#simple_scripts_to_auto_connect_to_specific_networks : auto-connect to specific networks (fragment)   * http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/wiki:setting_up_wifi#simple_scripts_to_auto_connect_to_specific_networks : auto-connect to specific networks (fragment)
   * http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/wiki:setting_up_wifi_at_boot : auto-connect to WPA-protected access point at Boot   * http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/wiki:setting_up_wifi_at_boot : auto-connect to WPA-protected access point at Boot
-====== Log ====== 
-* Started http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:core_concepts_explained  --- //[[sm8ps-tcl1@yahoo.com|sm8ps]] 2015/01/05 03:19// 
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