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talk:dcore:usb_installation_test-drive [2015/04/29 05:15] sm8pstalk:dcore:usb_installation_test-drive [2015/04/30 16:04] (current) sm8ps
Line 4: Line 4:
   * Highlight '/usr/bin/' & '/etc/sysconfig/'   * Highlight '/usr/bin/' & '/etc/sysconfig/'
   * What does 'tce-setup' exactly do? Probably it is called during the boot process to set up any suitable kind of tce-directory; so it should not be called directly after boot.   * What does 'tce-setup' exactly do? Probably it is called during the boot process to set up any suitable kind of tce-directory; so it should not be called directly after boot.
 +  * Wireless: http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,18222.0.html
 +  * tce/ondemand: load extension but do not execute start scripts(?)
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