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talk:dcore:sce-pkgcheck_command [2016/05/17 13:00] – Clarification needed sm8pstalk:dcore:sce-pkgcheck_command [2016/05/19 17:41] (current) nitram
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 I do not understand the back-ground but the following seems not quite right: I do not understand the back-ground but the following seems not quite right:
 "Even though one does not exist does not, therefore, indicate the package will fail." "Even though one does not exist does not, therefore, indicate the package will fail."
 + --- //[[sm8ps-tcl1@yahoo.com|sm8ps]] 2016/05/17 10:00//
 +Hi sm8ps. Sorry for the error, statement deleted, updated sce-pkgcheck --help will be posted, finally figured out this wiki talk stuff - will keep my eyes open!
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