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dcore:welcome [2016/12/26 06:11] – [dCore Basic Usage Guide] nitramdcore:welcome [2024/06/20 20:17] (current) – external edit
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-====== dCore Wiki Welcome page =====+===== dCore Wiki Welcome page =====
-**Welcome to dCore**, a minimal live Linux system based on [[wiki:install_microcore|Micro Core]] (Tiny Core Linux) that uses scripts to download select packages directly from vast Debian or Ubuntu repositories and convert them into useable SCEs (self-contained extensions).+
-Supplementing dCore's small base with SCE extensions allows user to create a fully customized system. Installing and setting up a persistent system is straightforward. Numerous Window Managers and Desktop Environments are available. The developer is very helpful to get systems running and provide support.+** Welcome to dCore**, minimal live Linux system based on [[wiki:install_core|Micro Core]] (Tiny Core Linux)  
 +that uses scripts to download selected packages directly from vast Debian or Ubuntu repositories and converts  
 +them into useable SCEs (self-contained extensions).
-Note the left-side 'Navigation' links are for Tiny Core wiki topics, this may confuse users seeking dCore information: +Supplementing dCore's small base with SCE extensions allows a user to create a fully customized system. Installing and setting up a persistent system is straightforward. Numerous Window Managers and Desktop Environments are available. The developer is very helpful to get systems running and provides support. 
-  * Click the top left 'Core' graphic to return to the wiki homepage, which has a **[[dcore:welcome|dCore Wiki Welcome page]]** link. + 
-  * A **[[http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/dcore:welcome|Return to the dCore Wiki Welcome page]]** can be found on most dCore wiki pages.+Note the left-side 'Navigation&' links are for Tiny Core wiki topics, this may confuse users seeking dCore information: 
 +  * Click the top left 'Core' graphic to return to the wiki homepage, which has a [[dcore:welcome|dCore Wiki Welcome page]] link. 
 +  * A [[dCore:welcome|Return to the dCore Wiki Welcome page]] can be found on most dCore wiki pages.
   * Most browsers support right-click 'back' to return to any page in a tab's history.   * Most browsers support right-click 'back' to return to any page in a tab's history.
 ===== dCore FAQ ===== ===== dCore FAQ =====
-An overview of dCore:+An overview of dCore: \\  
 +**[[dcore:faq|> dCore FAQ page]]**
-**[[dCore:FAQ|> dCore FAQ page]]** 
 ===== dCore Screenshots ===== ===== dCore Screenshots =====
- +**[[dcore:screenshots|Official and user contributed screenshots]]**
-Official and user contributed screenshots: +  * Official dCore Screenshots 
-  *Official dCore Screenshots +  * User Contributed Screenshots
-  *User Contributed Screenshots +
- +
-**[[dCore:Screenshots|> dCore Screenshots page]]**+
 ===== dCore History and Concepts ===== ===== dCore History and Concepts =====
-An overview of dCore history and concepts: +**[[dcore:concepts|An overview of dCore history and concepts]]**
-  *dCore History +  * dCore History 
-  *Basic Concepts +  * Basic Concepts 
-  *System Start +  * System Start 
-  *Package Management +  * Package Management 
-  *How to Contribute +  * How to Contribute
- +
-**[[dCore:Concepts|> dCore History and Concepts page]]**+
 ===== dCore Base Installation ===== ===== dCore Base Installation =====
- +**[[dcore:installations|How to install the dCore base system]]**
-How to install the dCore base system: +  * dCore Installation Guides (including boot-loader configuration)
- +
-  * dCore Installation Guides+
   * dCore Swap   * dCore Swap
   * dCore Desktop Quicky   * dCore Desktop Quicky
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   * dCore Localisation (locale and keyboard layout)   * dCore Localisation (locale and keyboard layout)
   * dCore Hardware Installation Notes   * dCore Hardware Installation Notes
-**[[dCore:Installations|> dCore Base Installation page]]** 
 ===== dCore Basic Usage Guide ===== ===== dCore Basic Usage Guide =====
- +**[[dcore:basic_usage_guide|A basic dCore usage guide for new users]]**:
-A basic dCore usage guide for new users: +
   * Overview   * Overview
   * Basic GUI Management   * Basic GUI Management
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   * Maintenance   * Maintenance
   * Resources   * Resources
-**[[dCore:basic_usage_guide |> dCore Basic Usage Guide page]]** 
 ===== dCore Extension Management ===== ===== dCore Extension Management =====
- +**[[dcore:extensions|How to manage and optimize dCore's SCE extensions to expand system functionality]]**:
-How to manage and optimize dCore's SCE extensions to expand system functionality:+
   * dCore SCE Overview   * dCore SCE Overview
   * dCore SCE Management Commands   * dCore SCE Management Commands
   * Advanced dCore SCE Strategies   * Advanced dCore SCE Strategies
   * Important Grep Notice   * Important Grep Notice
-**[[dCore:Extensions|> dCore Extension Management page]]** 
 ===== dCore System Software ===== ===== dCore System Software =====
- +**[[dcore:system_software|Get hardware running on your dCore install - drivers, firmware, kernel modules, tips and examples]]**:
-Get hardware running on your dCore install - drivers, firmware, kernel modules, tips and examples:+
   * dCore Firmware   * dCore Firmware
   * dCore Graphic Drivers   * dCore Graphic Drivers
Line 82: Line 71:
   * dCore LVM   * dCore LVM
   * dCore VirtualBox   * dCore VirtualBox
-**[[dCore:System software|> dCore System Software page]]**+
 ===== dCore X Window System ===== ===== dCore X Window System =====
 +**[[dcore:x-desktop|Overview of dCore graphic installations, Window Managers and Desktop Environments]]**:
 +  * Default dCore Boot (CLI vs X Windows)
 +  * dCore Window Managers and Desktop Environments
 +  * Unofficial Window Managers and Desktop Environments
 +  * Official vs Unofficial Graphic Environments
 +  * Migrate from FLWM to LXDE
 +  * Essential dCore READMEs
 +  * Fonts and Icons
-Overview of dCore graphic installations, Window Managers and Desktop Environments: 
-  *Default dCore Boot (CLI vs X Windows) 
-  *dCore Window Managers and Desktop Environments 
-  *Unofficial Window Managers and Desktop Environments 
-  *Official vs Unofficial Graphic Environments 
-  *Migrate from FLWM to LXDE 
-  *Essential dCore READMEs 
-  *Fonts and Icons 
-**[[dCore:X-Desktop|> dCore X Window System page]]** 
 ===== dCore Desktop Applications ===== ===== dCore Desktop Applications =====
- +**[[dcore:desktop_applications|Information and tips regarding dCore desktop applications]]**:
-Information and tips regarding dCore desktop applications: +
   * Browsers   * Browsers
   * Compile Tools   * Compile Tools
Line 109: Line 94:
   * Miscellaneous   * Miscellaneous
   * Multimedia   * Multimedia
 +  * Note taking
   * Panels and Launchers   * Panels and Launchers
   * PDF Viewers   * PDF Viewers
 +  * Synchronisation
   * System Monitoring   * System Monitoring
   * System Search   * System Search
   * Terminal Emulators   * Terminal Emulators
   * Text Editors   * Text Editors
-**[[dCore:Desktop Applications|> dCore Desktop Applications page]]** 
 ===== dCore Server & Networking ===== ===== dCore Server & Networking =====
-Information and tips in regards to running a dCore server:+**[[dcore:server_applications|Information and tips in regards to running a dCore server]]**:
   * Overview   * Overview
   * iptables   * iptables
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   * Samba   * Samba
   * smbclient   * smbclient
- +  * SSH 
-**[[dCore:Server Applications|> dCore Server & Networking page]]**+  NFS Client
 ===== Unofficial dCore Scripts & Tricks ===== ===== Unofficial dCore Scripts & Tricks =====
-Unofficial user contributed scripts and guides that may be useful to others:+**[[dcore:scripts|Unofficial user contributed scripts and guides that may be useful to others]]**:
   * dCore Automatic Install Script (LichenSymbiont)   * dCore Automatic Install Script (LichenSymbiont)
   * Flash 10 SCE Creation Script (nitram)   * Flash 10 SCE Creation Script (nitram)
   * Easytether on minimal dCore (cannedD)   * Easytether on minimal dCore (cannedD)
-**[[dCore:scripts|> Unofficial dCore Scripts & Tricks page]]** 
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