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dcore:tc-functions_source_20150429 [2015/05/06 02:54] – Added link to GIT-repo sm8psdcore:tc-functions_source_20150429 [2017/09/19 05:04] (current) – GIT-URL updated sm8ps
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 ====== '/etc/init.d/tc-functions' (source, 20150429) ====== ====== '/etc/init.d/tc-functions' (source, 20150429) ======
-The scripts in their present state are available at the [[http://git.tinycorelinux.net/index.cgi?url=dCore-scripts.git/|GIT-repository]].+The scripts in their present state are available at the [[hhttps://github.com/tinycorelinux/dCore-scripts/blob/master/etc/init.d/tc-functions|GIT-repository]].
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